Monday, June 9, 2008

Potluck, April 2008

Beautiful People

Potluck, Spring 2008


Potluck, April 2008

Playin' music by the fire pit.

Potluck, April 2008

Peter, Katherine, and Leah.

Potluck, Spring 2008

Inside the house you'll see Dez, and Anna, Seorsha and many more.

Potluck, April 2008

These are the crazy people you will get to meet if you visit the Blacktail Permaculture house!

Potluck, Spring 2008

Salvador, Chad, and Timmy.  At one of the fire pits at the farm.

Potluck, April 2008

Nathan and Izzy by the campfire.

Planting Trees, April 2008

Tree Planting, Spring 2008

A meeting.

Tree Planting, Spring 2008

Peter's using the pick axe to break up the soil.

Tree Planting, Spring 2008

Michael is thoroughly content.

Planting Trees, April 2008

Johnathon's so happy you all helped to plant new life into this land!

Tree Planting, April 2008

Some of the volunteers who were at the potluck and stayed to help plant trees. (from left to right: Timmy, Salvador, Noah, James, Crustin, Kelly, Kayne, idk, idk)

Tree Planting, April 2008

Salvador is planting a baby tree in the soil.

Tree Planting, April 2008

There's Ray and James and a whole bunch of other people too.

Tree Planting, April 2008

holding the bare root tree on the mound while others help backfill. 

Planting Trees, April 2008

Crustin is holding the roots in the microrhizae.  A fungus that helps the roots fixate nitrogen and draw nutrients from the soil. 

Tree Planting, April 2008

Many volunteers.  A lot of the dirt they've been using is coming from decomposed wood piles. 

Planting Trees, April 2008

Chad using the pick axe to break up the center mound before planting.

Planting Trees, April 2008

We had to carry water in 5 gallon buckets across the field to water the trees.

Tree Planting, April 2008

working together out in the blazing, morning sun

Potluck, April 2008

Bradley and James at the kitchen sink.  James was cooking some chili and it was delicious.